Injured bobcat to be released back into wild for the New Year

SAN RAFAEL (KRON) — A wild-life animal care agency rehabilitated and will return a bobcat back to it’s natural habitat Thursday evening in Marin County.

The WildCare Bay Area agency treated and cared for a female bobcat that was hit by a car on Nov. 16, and she will be released by officials Dec. 29, and will be released at Nicasio.

According to officials, the bobcat was discovered by a passerby near the road and unconscious after she was hit by a vehicle. Her rescuer picked her up and wrapped her up in his t-shirt while he waited for assistance.

The bobcat was treated for an injury to her right eye, a broken foot and significant head trauma. Officials said the bobcat was in treatment for a total of six weeks.

WildCare also received helped from the Sonoma County Wildlife agency, and officials are thrilled to release her back to her home.