INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating a case of a viral video showing two students apparently having sex in a Pike High School hallway.

A spokeswoman for the school says they talked to both students and their parents.

Experts say the consequences could last their entire life, even if the video has been deleted.

“We believe that its easier to build a strong girl than to repair a broken woman,” said Katie Wolfe, the founder of Get Real In Christ in Avon. “We come alongside girls and help them find their real identity, we find that the world is telling them that their identity is found in their sexuality, in their looks. And what we try to show them is what really matters is on the inside.”

Get Real Inc has been teaching teenage girls about the dangers of sexting since 2006.

“We found working with teens they are very impulsive,” said Wolfe.

In another case in Fort Myers, Florida a sheriff’s report says 25 boys entered a bathroom and had sex with a girl inside. Students say the entire incident was filmed.

“It leaves that digital fingerprint. Even if they go and delete it, somebody’s already screen-shot it and it’s still out there and its something they can’t get back,” said Wolfe.

“Once it’s on the internet it’s pretty much their forever and it can affect your career and your reputation for the rest of your life,” said Kaitlin Cunningham, who’s been involved with Get REAL inC for three years.

“It can really affect somebody emotionally when things like this happen because high school students can unfortunately be cruel and mean,” said Sarah Borgeling, who is also involved with Get REAL inC.

Get REAL inC made a video titled Digital Demon in 2007, It’s about a similar real-life sexting incident where a female student took her own life after her reputation was ruined.

Wolfe says they’re making sure it doesn’t happen again

“It’s exactly where they find their worth. and when they understand where their worth really is and what their value truly is, that makes all the difference,” said Wolfe.

Beyond a ruined reputation, sexting can also be criminal.

In Indiana, it is a felony to photograph or disseminate images of someone younger than 18 who is engaged in sexual conduct.