CANFIELD, Ohio (WKBN) – Several recent “creepy clown” sightings and incidents across the country, some even in the Valley, have many parents and schools on high alert.
Canfield Schools have even banned clown costumes from all of the district’s Halloween activities.
The clown craze is no laughing matter for parents with kids who are scared of clowns.
“The first thing that I would do is let them know that it’s okay to feel worried and anxious,” said Director Jamie Miller, with Alta Clinical. “You’re then taking something that could be normal, like anxiety and worry, and then making it not normal. You should try your natural remedies from home, the things you would do naturally to help your children deal with things.”
He says to work with your child on ways to manage the feeling, suggesting deep breathing strategies.
Dr. Alice Neuman says children don’t always have the words to explain how they’re feeling. Parents might have to ask a lot of questions to find out exactly what is bothering them.
“Sometimes a parent won’t even understand why a child may be afraid of something,” Neuman said.
Both agreed that it may be tough for kids to overcome clowns if they’re constantly seeing them on TV or social media.
But it’s not just children who are freaked out by the clowns. Even Miller admits to not being very fond of them.
Pam Delisio, of Boardman, spends a lot of time at the East Golf Hike and Bike Trail, a place she normally feels safe.
“It’s definitely terrifying,” she said. “I told my girlfriend, Caroline, that if she didn’t come with me, I might see a clown. So I brought my mace, I am prepared.”
The Canfield Police Department says it’s keeping an eye on the clown situation, but wants to remind people that it’s not illegal to dress up as a clown.