HAYWARD (BCN) — The city of Hayward has reached a tentative agreement with Service Employees International Union Local 1021 negotiators on a new three-year labor contract, City Manager Fran David said today.

She said the union will now present the agreement to its members for a ratification vote.

David said in a statement, “I am pleased to announce that negotiations with SEIU 1021 have drawn to a close and we are poised to move forward pending a ratification vote of our employees.”

SEIU Local 1021 officials weren’t immediately available for comment.

David said, “This has been a long, complex and grueling negotiation. I am proud of our bargaining team for the dedication and relentless creativity they have shown in arriving at this deal over so many months.”

“Likewise, I thank our employees who are our local SEIU leaders for working within the city’s difficult financial constraints and with our negotiating team to forge a constructive agreement,” she said.

David said it would be “inappropriate” for her to release the details of the tentative agreement before employees vote on it.

But she said, “I believe that the deal provides a solid foundation for a partnership with our SEIU employees which allows us to move forward as an organization serving Hayward.”