HAYWARD (BCN) — A traveling war memorial wall will be up for one more day on Memorial Day in Hayward to honor members of the United States armed forces who lost their lives in The Gulf War, Iraq War and Afghanistan War.

Vietnam-era helicopters will fly in starting at 10 a.m. and after a band plays at 10:30 a.m. the festivities will get underway at Lone Tree

Cemetery at 24591 Fairview Ave.

The festivities will consist of, among other things, a barbeque and a talk by one of the few living Pearl Harbor survivors Mickey Ganitch.

A tram will take visitors from the celebration to the memorial wall where each fallen soldier has a three and a half inch gold star to their

name and the branch they served in.

Founder and President of Tribute to America’s Fallen Foundation Samuel Nicoara said soldiers killed in action are remembered few times but

for families of the fallen, the memory lasts a lifetime.

“To them it’s fresh every single day,” Nicoara said.

The foundation’s website, where information about the wall and events can be found, is located at http://www.tributewall.org/.

The wall is 91 feet long and 9 feet high and is also meant to honor the 80,000 soldiers who served from WWII to today and are still missing.

The Foundation is working to take the wall to other places in the U.S., such as The Pentagon and Texas and North Carolina. The Foundation also

wants to be able to support families who have lost a military service member, Nicoara said.