Group Wants McDonald’s Employees Fired For Hiding Bacon In Muslim Family’s Sandwiches

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WKRG) — A Muslim civil rights organization is asking management at a McDonald’s located in Decatur, Alabama to identify and fire the staff who allegedly hid pieces of bacon in 14 chicken sandwiches ordered by a Muslim family.

The Alabama chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Alabama) called the franchise today with the request after the family sent them a video taken yesterday, after they each found a small piece of bacon on each sandwich. Eating pork products are strictly prohibited in Islam.

“Based on the evidence in this incident, as well as the unprecedented spike in anti-Muslim bigotry nationwide, we believe this was an intentional act of religious and ethnic bigotry,” said Khaula Hadeed, Executive Director at CAIR-Alabama.

A representative from CAIR-Alabama says they also contacted McDonald’s corporate management in order to put pressure on the franchise to provide surveillance of the incident as well as an apology for the employees’ actions.

“McDonald’s should investigate this incident, identify and terminate the employees responsible, and take proactive steps to satisfy this American family’s concerns, starting with an apology,” Hadeed said.

In July, CAIR-Alabama called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate vandalism targeting a Muslim family as a possible hate crime in Helena, Alabama.

Helena Police Chief Pete Folmar told that vulgar graphics and racial slurs were spray painted on the vehicles. Folmar added that the police department would not tolerate “such things,” referring to crimes targeting any person based on ethnicity or religion.

So far, neither McDonald’s nor the Decatur-based franchise have responded to the allegations.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: