Gov. Brown orders officials to impose mandatory water restrictions

ECHO LAKE (KRON) — For the first time ever, Governor Edmund G. Brown ordered that officials impose mandatory water restrictions throughout the state.

This announcement came just after Brown accompanied officials to record the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada.

The snowpack measured Wednesday morning is the lowest snowpack ever recorded.

Brown hopes that the water restrictions will save water, increase enforcement to prevent wasteful water use, streamline the state’s drought response and invest in new technologies that will make California more drought resilient.

“Today we are standing on dry grass where there should be five feet of snow. This historic drought demands unprecedented action,” said Governor Brown. “Therefore, I’m issuing an executive order mandating substantial water reductions across our state. As Californians, we must pull together and save water in every way possible.”

Since 2012, state officials have been monitoring water resources to make sure that the state survives the current drought and is better prepared for any future ones,

In 2014, Gov. Brown declared a drought state of emergency.

Under that, the state has taken steps to make sure that water is available for human health and safety, growing food, fighting fires and protecting fish and wildlife.

Millions have been spent helping thousands of California families most impacted by the drought pay their bills, put food on their tables and have water to drink.

Governor Brown’s executive order consists of four main parts; saving water, increasing enforcement, streamlining government response and investing in new technologies.SAVING WATER

Brown has directed the State Water Resources Control Board to implement mandatory water reductions in cities and towns to reduce usage by 25 percent.

These savings will amount to about 1.5 million acre-feet of water in the next nine months.

To save more water now, the order will also:


The executive order will call on local water agencies to adjust their rate structures, implementing conservation pricing.

Agricultural water users will be required to report more water use information to state regulators.

Additional actions include:


Governor Brown’s order will :


The order helps make California more drought resilient by: