SACRAMENTO (KRON) — A Good Samaritan who stopped at the scene of an accident to save a family was billed $143 by paramedics in Sacramento.

“So I guess this is how Good Samaritans are treated when they stop at an accident scene to help somebody,” Derrick DeAnda said in a Facebook post.

When DeAnda saw the accident, he pulled over to help save a father and his children who were trapped in their wrecked car.

After breaking the windshield and pulling the family out of the car, DeAnda had a small scrape on his hand so he asked paramedics for a water bottle.

A few months later, a bill showed up at his house from the Cosumnes Community Services District saying he owed $143 for a “First Responder Fee.”

“I’m glad I was able to help. But now I have a bill to pay and they won’t let it go.”