AUGUSTA – You may have seen this on social media. A man making national headlines for what, or who, he took through security at the world’s busiest airport.
“Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2” is part of one of the most iconic horror movie series of all-time. This year marks the 1986 film’s 30th anniversary and the prop that was used for Nubbins Sawyer now belongs Jason Guy of Augusta, who bought him from the movie’s prop maker in December.
“First horror movie I saw as a kid,” Guy said. “I had to watch it in the afternoon because I was too scared at night.”
Jason has built quite a collection of memorabilia from the film, including one of the chainsaws. But nothing compares to Nubbins.

“Everybody’s all about the selfies, the photo op,” said Guy.
Especially at the Atlanta airport, where a TSA agent posted a picture on Twitter as Jason took Nubbins through the security line on his way to a reunion in Arizona celebrating the movie’s anniversary.
“People totally freaked out, scared,” said Guy. “Other people thought it was so cool, they would turn around and look down like it was another old person in a wheelchair and just like ‘Oh my God!’ and turn away.”
The TSA post has received thousands of likes and retweets, drawing the attention of Good Morning America and Inside Edition, among others. But the story didn’t end at the security line.
“The pilot made everybody else get off the plane first and then we rolled him up there and he took his pictures with him, put the cap on him, everybody loved it. It was a once in a lifetime experience, all for the love of it,” Guy said.
Nubbins actually has his own Facebook page and he and Jason are featured in the photo gallery for the 30th Anniversary Blueray of the film. Guy is also considering starting a GoFundMe page to raise money to restore Nubbins, which has suffered wear and tear over the decades.