Gary’s Word: Basketball over baseball

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Let’s argue….no question NFL football is the No. 1 sport in this country.

Ratings, violence, fantasy sports, and gambling all favor football.

The question here…has the NBA now surpassed baseball as No. 2?

LeBron, Curry, Durant, Harden, Westbrook, and Kyrie Irving.

Can you name a more familiar baseball name outside of Bryce Harper and Mike Trout?

All right, Aaron Judge of the New York Yankees.

Where basketball dominates is in the speed of the game…the fact that there are no helmets or hats on the players.

The game is usually over in 2 hours and 15 minutes.

How many younger people have the patience to sit through a 3-hour and 30-minute baseball game?

Outside of history and thus the record book, what does baseball have that appeals to working people who’s time for entertainment is often limited?

What you like is of course what you like…forget what anyone else says, but basketball will give you pace, tremendous athletic ability, and in my opinion, a closer feel to the game.

Baseball keeps talking about trying to appeal to the young folks.

Fine, but at the end of the day, rule changes are not going to get it done.

It’s 2017 and sports fans don’t want to think too much, they want action.

Football and basketball provide just that.

I still enjoy a good baseball game, but I think the time has come to rank in order…NFL, NBA, and MLB.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: