SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Gary Radnich answers viewers’ emails every Friday night with his wife, Alicia Radnich.

In this installment, Gary takes on these emails:

  • Quit complaining about how much you paid for Giants tickets. Can’t you afford it? – Bruce
  • You don’t know what it means to be a fan. I love the Oakland Athletics no matter how many players leave. – Hazel
  • Is it true that Colin Kaepernick’s downfall came from his inability to get along with teammates? – Russ
  • Do you still think Draymond “Drayzilla” Green will straighten up off the court? – Akbar
  • Long time fan of your radio show. I caught you on TV the other night and I must say you were quite funny. Congrats! – Nate

Follow Gary on Twitter @KRON4GRadnich.