FREMONT (KRON) — A water main break is causing major flooding and road closures in Fremont on Wednesday afternoon.

At 12:41 p.m., Fremont police responded to a report of water flooding in Fremont’s Niles District in the area of Mission Boulevard and Nursery Avenue.

Fremont police are on scene with the Alameda County Water District who is investigating the source of what appears to be a water main break.

The southbound lanes of Mission Boulevard have major flooding. Traffic is being diverted onto Nursery Avenue.

Officers are avoiding motorists to avoid Mission Boulevard in both the northbound and southbound directions between Decoto and Niles Blvd (Niles Canyon) if possible, police says.

Drivers are being advised to stay away from Mission Boulevard between Decoto and Niles Canyon roads.

The 24-inch pipe, installed in the late 1950s or early 1960s, belongs to the city of Hayward and carries about 20 percent of the city’s water supply from the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park,

according to Hayward Utilities and Environmental Services Department director Alex Ameri.

Crews found the break and turned off the water flow. At first officials thought the break would damage the roadway,

At first officials thought the break would damage the roadway, causing further traffic delays as crews made repairs, but because the pipe break was located off the shoulder of Mission Boulevard, there should be no

further traffic problems once the spilled water is cleared, Ameri said.None of the city’s roughly 150,000 customers are going without

None of the city’s roughly 150,000 customers are going without water since there is also a duplicate 24-inch pipe that’s currently operational, according to Ameri.