SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Four mountain lion sightings have been reported around San Francisco within a week, according to San Francisco Animal Control.

The first sighting was reported on June 30 in Sea Cliff and the western Presidio, according to Animal Control. The second sighting was reported a day later in the 100 block of Gough Street.

A resident reported the third sighting on July 3 in southwest San Francisco near Lake Merced. The fourth sighting was captured by a neighborhood security camera. on July 3.

The sightings were not confirmed by experts, Animal Control said.

Animal Control said the mountain lion appears to be moving south. Most of the sightings have happened in undeveloped areas of San Mateo and Marin, Animal Control said.

If you come across a mountain lion, experts advise you:

  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Do not approach the mountain lion.
  • Make noise.
  • Do not turn your back or run.
  • Appear as big and threatening as possible.
  • Give the mountain lion room to run away. Do not corner it.