FLORIDA (CNN)–Six Miami Fire and Rescue firefighters are out of a job after a noose was placed over a photo belonging to an African-American colleague.

The terminations were handed down Wednesday, the city said in a statement to CNN.

The city said the fire chief learned of the incident on September 9 and suspended 11 firefighters with pay. Ultimately six of them were fired — but the investigation continues.

“Findings could result in disciplinary actions ranging from suspensions to demotions,” the statement said.

“The city wouldn’t say exactly what happened beyond calling it “sexually explicit and racially offensive conduct.”

However, the Miami Herald — citing sources — said the noose was created out of twine and placed over a black lieutenant’s family photo.
Several colleagues also drew lewd images on several photos, including one of his wife, and one of his children and their grandmother, the newspaper said.
“City of Miami Fire Rescue is an ethnically and racially diverse department and one of the best in the country,” City Manager Daniel Alfonso said. “We cannot and will not tolerate behavior that is disrespectful, hurtful and compromises the integrity of the department and the City of Miami.”
Miami Fire and Rescue’s public information office did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment.
Miami officials have scheduled a news conference Friday morning to discuss the investigation.