Firefighters extinguish two fires on same street in Vallejo

VALLEJO (KRON) — Two back-to-back commercial fires broke out on the same street in Vallejo early Tuesday morning, according to fire officials.

Firefighters responded around 1:27 a.m. to a fire at L&L fast food restaurant at 4300 Sonoma Blvd., Vallejo Fire Department spokesman Mark Libby said.

Firefighters were quickly able to bring the blaze under control and damage to the building was minimal, according to Libby.

Afterward, at 1:51 a.m. firefighters responded to another commercial structure fire happing at the Animal Advocates Veterinarian Hospital located at 3899 Sonoma Blvd.

Firefighters were able to bring that fire under control. They concluded the fire had started outside and extended into the building’s attic, Libby said.

The fire is the second to occur at the location within the last 30 days, according to Libby.

No injuries were reported in either incident.

Fire officials are investigating what caused the two fires.