A father from Washington state says his son burned his feet on a grate near a Seattle splash park.  

Now, he has a warning for other parents. 

On these scorching summer days, families take their kids to splash parks to cool off.

The last thing they’re expecting is having to race their child to the hospital for burn injuries.

“I’ve been through hell the last 24 hours,” father Andrew Sechrist said.

That’s exactly what happened to Sechrist.

He tells CNN he heard his son Jackson crying while playing at the splash pad at the Georgetown Playfield on Thursday.

Sechrist says at first, he thought his 1-year-old fell down, but that wasn’t the case.

“His feet were white,” Sechrist said. “The skin, they had basically melted.”

Sechrist says he realized his son walked across a grate.

CNN tested the temperature of the grate around the same time of day the incident happened.

“I can’t keep it here for half a second, and my 1-and-half-year-old son walked all the way across,” Sechrist said.

Sechrist tells CNN one of his biggest concerns is with kids playing at the water park.

They’re just a few feet away from where this grate is located.

“It’s hard to see him go through that,” Sechrist said.

Sechrist says his son had to go to two different hospitals.

“The nurses were looking at his feet, and they were going, ‘Oh my god,'” Sechrist said.

The little boy also had to spend the night there and now has to wear bandages for the next couple weeks.

Only about 24 hours after this traumatic incident, Sechrist tells CNN he’s sharing his story for a reason.

“Hopefully, someone from the City of Seattle knows that it happened, and they can fix it,” Sechrist said.

City officials say they don’t plan to make changes at this point.