Fairfield violent sex offender housing fate postponed

FAIRFIELD (KRON) — Neighbors in Fairfield were outraged after being told violent sex offender Fraisure Smith could be moving in next door to their homes, and they did everything in their power to stop it. Today, his fate was postponed until July 30th by the courts. The courts will decide next week the placement of 51-year-old Smith, who is no longer on parole.

It is the same man who the state tried to place in another nearby neighborhood — and so there are concerns. Neighbors along Olive Street are sounding off about the possibility of Fraisure Smith moving into their community. Court documents show Smith plead no contest on sexual battery of a 17-year-old girl back in 2006.

In addition, he has three other convictions dealing with rape or intent to rape.

Neighbors argue he could attack again.