SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON/AP) – It appears California residents are heeding the calls to conserve water amid the state’s historic drought. New figures show water use fell by 27 percent in June, passing the conservation target set by Gov. Jerry Brown, state regulators said Thursday.

The State Water Resources Control Board says 265 out of 411 local agencies hit or nearly reached savings targets.

The water conservation came during the hottest June on record, which would typically lead to an uptick in water use. Historically, savings have occurred most significantly during unusually wet months.

The new data confirms figures previously released by California’s largest cities, including San Jose, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego showing strong water conservation.

The agencies that met or came within 1 percent of their mandatory water conservation target serve 27 million Californians.

“The June numbers tell a story of conscious conservation, and that’s what we need and are applauding today,” said Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the water board. “We need to save as much as possible. That is water essentially in the bank for a future dry year or more.”

Brown previously ordered an overall 25 percent reduction in urban water use compared to 2013 levels. His administration gave each community nine months to hit assigned conservation targets as high as 36 percent.

The water board says it will contact every agency that didn’t come close to its targets and ask for more information about what it’s doing to conserve. The worst performers will be told to ramp up water waste enforcement or limit the number of days residents can water lawns.

Water waste enforcement also shot up drastically in June. Agencies issued more than 9,500 penalties compared to about 1,900 in May.

June was the month conservation went from a polite request to a demand by the governor to let lawns go brown, take shorter showers and implement other measures. Programs in Southern California offering millions of dollars to residents who rip out lawns have been exhausted.

State regulators assigned conservation targets between 8 and 36 percent. Water savings are compared to 2013, the year before Brown declared a drought emergency.

Meteorologists say a wet California winter is increasingly likely as a strong El Nino condition builds in the Pacific Ocean, although it’s unclear if it will be a drought-buster.