DRONE FOOTAGE: Landslide cuts off Big Sur

BIG SUR (KRON/CNN) — People who live and work in Big Sur have been essentially stranded in recent weeks and months after the wet winter sent cascades of mud and rock onto its highways.

There are beautiful new views, thanks to drones, showing us the Big Sur area. Beautiful, that is, unless you’re down there trying to get someplace.

Several mudslides and the loss of a vital bridge have made this more of an island than a destination.

With residents forced to hike long distances just to get groceries, it’s an area that usually depends on tourists but very of them are around.

A huge landslide near Gorda last month made things worse. Highway 1 in that area has been closed almost continuously since January and clearing the road will take about a year.

As for the Pfieffer Canyon Bridge, it had to be demolished and is being rebuilt.

The heavy winter rains damaged the support system.

The work is continuing, but Pfeiffer Bridge won’t reopen until at least late September.

In the meantime, you have to sign a waiver to get into the community.

There’s a rough path off the road meant for residents, which could be open to the public soon.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: