PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Several hundred people protested for the 5th night in a row on November 12.
A small group started with a peaceful anti-Trump gathering with people chanting “peaceful protest.” Things escalated after that with people wearing masks and throwing things at police.
Protests on the 4 previous days have grown out of hand, resulting in significant property damage and disruption.
A huge group crowded into Pioneer Courthouse Square Saturday night, but many also stayed in the street, which is what prompted police action.
Police in riot gear were on the scene and worked to control the crowd. Police made announcements over loud speakers telling protesters to move off the streets. At some points, protesters were letting cars through, but other streets were completely blocked with people sitting or standing in the road.
At one point, protesters tried to drag barricades into the street near SW Yamhill and 6th, but police stepped in to stop them and removed the pile.
Police said 19 people were arrested by 10:45 p.m., bringing the total number of protesters arrested this week to 62.
Near midnight, protesters began throwing burning road flares at Broadway and Stark, police said. Pioneer Courthouse Square was closed along with a 2-block radius. Authorities said 2 people were assaulted by a group of people at SW 3rd and Yamhill, but the suspects ran away.Mobile users click here for photos