KRON—Donald Trump tweeted he will visit Mexico on Wednesday.

The Republican presidential candidate said he has accepted an invitation from Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

As Catherine Heenan reports, the trip comes just before a planned speech on immigration in Phoenix.

“We’re gonna build a great wall on the border,” Trump has said in the past.

“It’s going to be as beautiful as a wall can be.”

“We will build the wall 100% and Mexico will be paying for the wall.”

Donald Trump promising a tough immigration speech.

His son says, expect no surprises.

“You have to let ICE do their job, you have to eliminate sanctuary cities,” Donald Trump, Jr. said. “You have to get rid of the criminals first and foremost, You have to secure the border.”

On Wednesday, we also may learn more about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.

The FBI says it will release the results of its investigation.

That investigation ended with the conclusion that no laws were broken.

Clinton is spending the final days of August watching Donald Trump’s debate highlight reel looking for moments when he lost his cool as he did in an exchange with Ted Cruz.

As part of her preparation, she is seeking tips from writers who have watched Trump including Tony Schwartz, co-author of The Art of the Deal.

Aides say Clinton is preparing for a raucous debate.

“I think we will see a lot of the same kind of hyper, over the top rhetoric that we’ve seen from him,” said Joel Benenson who is a Clinton chief strategist. “That’s who he is. I don’t think he can control himself.”