ELKMONT, Ala. (WCMH) – These quick half-marathon runners didn’t have to jump over the ‘lazy’ dog. The dog came right along with them, and even finished seventh.
What started as a typical half-marathon ended as anything but when a hound dog joined the race and snagged a seventh-place finish.
According to Runner’s World, the owners of Ludivine, a 2 ½ year old hound dog, let her out of the house. Little did they know, the dog would wander out to the starting area of the Trackless Train Trek Half Marathon nearby.
Photos show the pooch starting fast, in second place. Ludiving is spotted several times along the course, eventually finishing seventh, with an unofficial time of 1:32:56.
April Hamlin, Ludivine’s owner told Runner’s World “She’s laid back and friendly, so I can’t believe she ran the whole half marathon because she’s actually really lazy.”
WeRunHuntsville reports next year’s race could be renamed the Hounddog half, with a special award going to the 7th place finisher.