SAN FRANCISCO (KRON)—Most Americans have the day off for Thanksgiving, then there others of us who work the holiday.
On the holiday edition of Dine and Dish, Vicki Liviakis gives us a little something to chew on.
Not everyone can be home for the holidays why even Donald Trump tweets he’s working hard on Thanksgiving.
Plenty of us find ourselves toiling away whiles others are feasting.
But never fear a fine holiday meal with all the fixings is not far.
Our soldiers in Afghanistan are piling on the turkey slices and mounds of mash potatoes.
Here at home paramedics, police and firefighters have to stand guard.
But KRON4 popped in on a city fire station kitchen where they’re cooking up a giant bird to share with the crew .
You might actually envy those of us who work in news on this holiday.
We are up to our eyeballs in a top notch turkey-feast.
There’s plenty to be thankful for where ever you might be.