SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — A limited number of Delta Airline flights are departing airports in the Bay Area and globally this morning as the company repairs a computer problem that started earlier Sunday at the company’s headquarters in Atlanta, company officials said.

As of 5:40 a.m. Pacific time Delta officials said some planes will be able to take off but travelers can still expect delays and cancellations.

Dozens of Delta flights were scheduled to depart today from San Francisco International Airport, Oakland International Airport and Mineta San Jose International Airport, according to the airports’ websites.

Delta officials issued a travel waiver for today’s flights. Travelers can get a refund or a reissued ticket.

Requests for a refund or a new ticket must be made by Friday.

The computer problem was caused by a power outage that started at about 2:30 a.m. Eastern time. Flights that were already in the air were unaffected by the power outage, Delta officials said.

KRON4’s Will Tran is at SFO to get the latest.Stay with KRON4 News for updates