(WCMH) — When little Molly began crying, her parents thought she might be getting hot so they took her socks off. That’s when they found a scary surprise.

According to Molly’s dad, Scott Walker, he was having lunch with family, when Molly began to get cranky and screaming. To try to keep Molly from overheating while being crying, they decided to take off her socks to help her cool down.

When they took her socks off, that’s when they noticed her swollen toe. A hair, had wrapped itself so tightly around her toe that it had begun to cut into her skin.

Walker called it a hair tourniquet, and it’s what happens when a strand of hair inside a sock, somehow wraps around a toe potentially cutting off circulation.

Luckily, Molly’s mom was able to remove the hair with some tweezers and a magnifying glass, but even 45 minutes later, her toe still showed signs of the injury.

Walker said the doctor told him to always check the toes if the baby is inconsolable.

The good news is, Molly is doing better now and Walker shared the updated picture of her toe.

Had a small scare this afternoon with Ms. Molly. What happened was new to me, but apparently not totally uncommon, so I…Posted by Scott Walker on Thursday, January 21, 2016