Cupertino City Council to vote on future of defunct Vallco shopping mall

The stage is set for what is expected to be a marathon, and a perhaps contentious, city council meeting on Tuesday night in Cupertino.

At issue is how to re-develop the long-defunct Vallco shopping mall.

There are still a handful of businesses still open at Vallco, but for all practical purposes, the mall has been more or less vacant for years now. The big question for the city council is what a major new renovation would look like and what impact it’s going to have on the community.

For now, there are three plans on the table for how to resurrect the Vallco mall on Wolfe Road in Cupertino. All three promise a mix of sorely-needed housing.

One plan proposed by developer Sand Hill Properties includes 2,000 units of housing, half of which would be deemed affordable, along with 2 million feet of office space and 400,000 square feet of retail.

If approved, the plan would be a test case for Senate Bill 35, which forces cities to green-light projects that meet certain requirements, says Sand Hill’s Reed Moulds.

The city council will also consider two alternative plans. One has more retail, but fewer homes, and cuts office space in half. The other has more homes, a bit more retail, and less office space.

Critics say all three plans will mean more traffic and congestion, says Liang Chao of the group Better Cupertino.

The city council is in a tough spot. If they approve either of the alternative plans, Better Cupertino may take the plan to voters.

At the same time, Sand Hill would be free to move ahead with its plan under SB 35.