PALO ALTO (BCN) — Firefighters quickly extinguished a one-alarm fire that started in a planter box between two Palo Alto homes on Sunday night, a fire official
said Tuesday.
Crews responded to a report from residents of a fire at a home in the 500 block of Hilbar Lane off of Rhodes Drive shortly after 8:30 p.m., fire Battalion Chief Bobby Davis said.
When firefighters arrived they found the blaze at a 10-by-10-foot shed in the backyard of a one-story home, Davis said.
Crews knocked down the fire within five minutes of reaching the scene, he said.
No injuries were reported.
The fire started inside a long planter box between two homes holding compost, which generated heat and burned into the plastic container, Davis said.
The blaze left an estimated $15,000 to $20,000 in damage to the property and its contents, which included expensive bicycles, he said.