Credit card skimmer, camera found at Alameda bank ATM

A card reader along with a camera was found on an ATM at a popular Alameda bank.

Police say a pinhole camera was being used to record people’s pin numbers.

It all went down at a Comerica Bank at the only ATM they have outside.

Unfortunately, the only camera that captured anything was the one scammers placed on the machine.

Unfortunately, there is a reason for concern. Maintenance workers at the Comerica Bank on Central Avenue spotted a faceplate equipped with a pinhole camera that was being used to capture customer’s pin numbers.

It was shocking news for customers that use the ATM frequently.

Police were called and the plate was removed. It isn’t clear how long it was there or if any customers were impacted.

According to FICO data, in 2017, the number of manipulated ATMs and point-of-sales devices increased by 8 percent.

Police say there are a few things you can do to protect yourself from fraud.

One is to always take a good look before using your card at an ATM.

Tug the card insert. Make sure it doesn’t come apart. And be secretive when inputting your pin.

Unfortunately, KRON4 didn’t spot any surveillance cameras around the bank.

And so far, police have no suspect description.

If you believe you may have been a victim, reach out to your bank.