CONCORD (KRON) — An East Bay lawmaker is urging Gov. Jerry Brown to free up funds to investigate freeway shootings.

Concord councilmember Tim Grayson has requested the use of emergency funds to pay for more surveillance cameras and shot-spotter technology, which can detect gunshots and pinpoint where the exact time and location.

“Our state must take further action to end this crisis. More than 21 highway shootings have occurred since November and these violent acts continue to cause severe injuries and deaths on our highways,” Grayson said. “Local law enforcement has worked diligently with the California Highway Patrol to investigate these shootings but we need to take further action to equip law enforcement professionals with the tools they need to put a stop to this violence and ensure these crimes are investigated thoroughly.”

The funds would also pay for more state investigators and prosecutors to help local law enforcement.

There have been nearly 30 shootings along Highway 4 and Interstate 80 in the East Bay since November.

Authorities believe all the shootings are gang related.