If you’re an allergy sufferer…well, our condolences. Once pollens started ramping up this spring, you’ve probably been battling the effects ever since. While all those airborne triggers are probably playing havoc with your sinuses, there are some ways to help protect yourself from their ravages.

One tried and true method is to simply improve the air quality in your home or office. A good humidifier can go a long way toward scrubbing some of those allergens out of the air — and the Boneco Digital Warm & Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier ($108, 53% off its regular price) might be your best front-line defender against allergy season.

The Boneco uses high-frequency vibrations to turn water into a fine mist that clenses the air and stamps down harmful germs and other bacteria. The unit’s adjustable warm and cool mist settings allow you to control the room’s temperature (though the warm mist will do a better job knocking down bacteria that can make you sick) while the double jet nozzle distribute mist in two directions for better effectiveness.

The Boneco also sports a Hydro Cell feature that keeps bacteria and mold from growing in the unit’s water tank and seeping into the mist, allowing your home to stay fresh and pristine.

If you’ve ever tried to sleep in a room with a noisy humidifier, no worries here. The Boneco runs ultra-silent with a pair of automatic and sleep modes to assure optimal operation during the hours it matters most.

A $230 value, you can get the Boneco Ultrasonic Humidifier at a huge discount with this limited time deal, taking more than half off while the offer lasts.