OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) — “Give the lake a break!”

That is what Oakland city officials are encouraging the public to do after large groups have been crowding Lake Merritt.

The city is asking for people to stay away from Lake Merritt to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Weekend traffic safety measures and parking restrictions will be set to reduce crowding, spread of the virus and traffic hazards along with ensuring emergency access.

“We are still in the early months of a global pandemic, and COVID-19 cases are spiking across California and the country; in Alameda County, COVID-related hospitalizations are on the rise,” the City of Oakland wrote in a statement.

The City will be implementing additional measures to improve traffic safety and expand opportunities for physical distancing.

Traffic Management, Parking, and Closures

On Saturday and Sunday, beginning at 7:30am and continuing until 11pm:

  • Lakeshore Avenue
    • Closed in the southbound direction from MacArthur to Hanover.
    • Center lane closed.
    • Northbound will remain open.
    • No parking will be permitted on the southbound side.
  • Lakeshore Avenue cul-de-sac—accesswill be restricted to residents living on the cul-de-sac or people accessing the church.
  • El Embarcadero—closed in both directions
  • Lakeview Library parking lot—closed.
  • Bellevue Avenue –no parking will be permitted on the Lake side of from Perkins to Grand.
  • Parking restrictions will be enforced on both Saturday and Sunday—no parking on the Lake side of any street abutting Lake Merritt will be allowed, including Lakeside Drive, Grand Avenue, and 12th Street.

If you need some fresh air or want to get outdoors and exercise, Oakland Slow Streets is a good alternative. The program created more space for physical distancing to support safe outdoor activity.

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