CHP officer helps driver having seizure on Highway 101 in Santa Rosa

SANTA ROSA (BCN) — A California Highway Patrol officer came to the aid of a Windsor woman who was having a diabetic seizure while driving on southbound U.S. Highway 101 in Santa Rosa Thursday morning.

The CHP was informed shortly before 8 a.m. of a white BMW weaving erratically and hitting the center median of the highway near Steele Lane.

Nearby CHP Officer Wayne Bernard positioned his patrol car behind the BMW that was traveling 3 to 4 mph.

The driver, Kathy Burger, 50, was unable to respond to Bernard’s activation of his car’s lights and siren because she was having a seizure.

Bernard then drove in front of the BMW, which then struck the rear of the patrol car in the far left lane just north of College Avenue, according to the CHP.

Both vehicles stopped and Bernard attended to Burger, who was taken to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital for treatment of a diabetic seizure, CHP officials said.

No other vehicles were struck during the incident and no one was injured, according to the CHP.