OAKLAND (KRON) — A San Leandro man was arrested on Monday after leading police on a freeway chase that ended on the streets of Oakland, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Sean Wilkenfeld.
The chase happened around 1:30 a.m. when officers spotted a GMC Yukon without a license plate heading east on Interstate Highway 580 near Highway 13.
When officers tried to pull 29-year-old Terry Nguyen over, he hit the gas peddle, leading police on a chase that did not exceed the speed limit, police said.
Authorities tried deflating Yukon’s tires using a spike strip, but the suspect continued to drive on the metal rims, exiting the freeway at 98th Avenue and heading into the residential areas of East Oakland, police said.
Nguyen eventually surrendered to officers when his car caught fire near 106th and Longfellow avenues, according to police. The car caught fire because Nguyen was riding on bare rims, which were throwing up sparks as they rolled over the streets’ surface.
He was arrested at around 2:10 a.m. on suspicion of felony evasion, possession of methamphetamine, DUI, and driving on a suspended license.Bay City News contributed to this report.