Child and teen lose arms in savage shark attacks

OAK ISLAND, N.C. (KRON) – A 12-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy are expected to live after separate savage shark attacks off the coast of North Carolina Sunday night.PHOTOS: North Carolina shark attacks

The first attack happened shortly after 4 p.m. off the coast of Oak Island in North Carolina when a 12-year-old girl was attacked in the water.  The shark locked its jaw around her arm, causing extensive tissue damage.  The girl later had to have the arm amputated below the elbow.  She also suffered a leg injury in the attack.

The second attack happened less than two hours later, about two miles down the same beach.

This time, a 16-year-old boy was bit on his left arm and was transported to New Hanover Regional Medical center.  His arm was unable to be saved.

Although they both lost arms, hospital officials said the two youths were in fair condition after surgery.

North Carolina officials say the beaches are still open, but plan to release more information Monday.