CHICAGO, Ill. (KWQC) – Hopefully, Cubs fans have been saving up during all the years they have been waiting for this moment.

The cheapest ticket on for Game 3 of the 2016 World Series Friday at Wrigley Field is $2,000 – and that is to stand.

The least expensive seats are listed as a section of center field bleachers running $2,800 apiece.

An outfield terrace box spot is $3,888.89, which is more than a $3,250 upper-end zone seat at the 2017 Super Bowl.

Some of the Wrigley’s best seats by the dugouts are now listed at $40,000.

Bargain hunting Cubs fans may find it cheaper to travel to Cleveland, where the lowest-priced ticket for Tuesday’s opening game is $1,013, according to

Some Cubs fans in the Quad Cities Area have sticker shock.

“These prices are ridiculous!” Valerie Beattie posted on Facebook. “I’m happy for the Cubs but come on!”

The last time the Cubs appeared in the World Series was 1945, when a bleacher seat was $1.20 and a box seat for Game 7 was $7.50.