*** KRON 4’s Tech Reporter Gabe Slate is covering the CES show online on Twitter and on his Tech Report page at http://kron4.com/category/features/tech/

Here is a list of official CES social media accounts that are providing event coverage, news, updates, and live streams.

official tweets – https://twitter.com/IntlCES

official instagram (pics) – http://instagram.com/intlCES

official youtube (videos) – http://www.youtube.com/user/cesonthetube/videos?view=0

official photo gallery – http://www.cesweb.org/News/Photo-Gallery.aspx

30 second pitch videos from companies – http://www.cesweb.org/Press/press-pitch-videos

official home page more info – http://www.cesweb.org/home

** Cnet coverage – http://ces.cnet.com/