CAUGHT ON CAMERA: 2 San Ramon offices burglarized on Christmas Eve

SAN RAMON (KRON) — The good holiday vibes for two East Bay businesses were wiped out; after returning to their offices on Tuesday, they found out that they had been burglarized on Christmas Eve.

But there is surveillance video of the thief.

“First thing he did was jam the door open there,” Max Schlienger said. “He was caught by the camera down here thankfully.”

Schlienger says the brazen thief spent at least 20 minutes alone in his office.

The surveillance video confirms the burglary happened in the afternoon on Christmas Eve.

“Everybody was out together with their families and friends–hopefully trying to celebrate the holiday, and then here’s this guy, breaking in and taking what he wants,” said Schlienger, who is a senior producer for the media development company, Pink Java.

His suite is located at Bishop Ranch in San Ramon.

He says the thief doesn’t look familiar to him or his coworkers.

It appears the burglar worked alone and got away with about $30,000 worth of computers, other electronics, and cash.

“And it almost seemed like he knew what he was looking for,” Schlienger said. “He was very familiar with the layout. He came in, just strolled in like he owned the place, and I mean, again, it leaves you feeling a bit disconcerted.”

Pink Java reported the crime to police.

So did M.P. Singh at Federal Solutions group next door.

Singh believes the same man stole more than $5,000 worth of computers from his office on the same day.

“When we go home in the evening, we don’t know whether we come back tomorrow, we’ll have our belongings here or not,” Singh said. “So, we’ve started taking all our electronics, especially the laptops, back home now because we don’t feel safe anymore here.”

Both businesses confirm the suspect forced his way into their offices, but the same cannot be said about the main entrance to the building.

It’s possible he had a key or slipped in when the doors were unlocked.

The victims are still working with the building’s management and police to figure out how all of this happened.