Capitol Edge | Budget talks, Supreme Court battle

WASHINGTON (MEDIA GENERAL) – Arguing over the Supreme Court, budget talks and how long until we will have a vaccine for the Zika virus are all part of this week’s Capitol Edge.Do Your Job

Senate Democrats demand action from Senate Republicans when President Obama announces a nominee to fill Supreme Court Justice Antonin’s Scalia’s spot on the Supreme Court.

“I cannot find the words ‘lame duck’ in the words of the Constitution of the United States – some Americans believe it’s in here – but it’s not,” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) said.

Senate Republicans do not plan to back down, and refuse to consider anyone the President puts forward.

“So this vacancy will not be filled this year,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said. “We will look forward to the American people deciding who they want to make this appointment through their own votes.”Budget talks

Congress already working to avoid a big shutdown battle late in the year. Hearings were held on multiple budgets including the F.D.A.Zika Virus

Medical experts told members of Congress they hope to have a vaccine developed for Zika within three to four years.

The House of representatives will not be on Capitol Hill until March 14th. The Senate will be looking at anti-trust laws and the wait is still on for when President Obama will announce a nominee for the court.