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Merced, California, Jan. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sisters of the Valley’s online store, which serves customers world-wide, now offers a permanent way for buyers to realize a discount.  The feature is called ‘Build-your-own-bundle’ and allows customers to group any three CBD products to realize a twenty percent discount.   Said Sister Sophia, “With inflation and natural disasters affecting everyone, we looked to ways we could give back to our customers when they make larger purchases.  People want choices, and discounts, and we need to push sales.  So it’s a happy marriage of feature and need.”

Added Sister Kate, “At this time, we are offering the build-a-bundle discount only with our CBD products.  If the feature is popular, however, we will expand it to cover our mushroom coffee products.  We seem to have a bit of demand for subscription services, as people like auto-delivery mechanisms that take the chore out of ordering and that will be the next feature we roll out.”

During harvest season just past, the sisters made a special batch of CBD oil drops with fifteen hundred milligrams of CBD (1500 mg) in a two-ounce bottle.  These ‘special harvest’ bottles of CBD will be given away to customers who order over $65 worth of product during the MLK holiday weekend.  Recently, the sisters sent Hemp seeds to a thousand customers.  Giving away oils, seeds, and other CBD products made by the sisters is part and parcel of their mission to get more people using plant medicine.  

The Sisters make all their products by hand on their homestead in the central valley of California.  All products are made by the cycles of the moon, labeled by moon-cycle and lab-tested for potency.  Purity tests are performed annually and whenever source ingredients change.  All lab tests are public on the Sisters’ store:


Sisters of the Valley
(209) 500-6008