SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KTXL) — A Sacramento Catholic K-8 school has removed three of its students after finding explicit images of their mother online.

Crystal Jackson is a Sacramento mom of three young boys who all attended Sacred Heart Parish School.

She is also a popular model on OnlyFans, an adult social media membership-based website.

When word got out about her online presence last month, Jackson and her husband said they sent an email to the principal of Sacred Heart explaining their online activity, insisting they are good parents and Catholics.

The couple even agreed to remove their children if that’s what the school wanted, but they claimed the school never responded.

They did not want to do an interview with KRON’s sister station FOX40, but gave an email they got this past Sunday from the school’s principal, Theresa Sparks, telling them their children are no longer allowed to attend Sacred Heart.

The email continued, “We therefore require that you find another school for your children and have no further association with ours.”

Mark Reichel, an attorney the family has hired, said he thinks the school is in the wrong, but that the California Education Code protects Sacred Heart.

“There’s a contract that says we reserve the right to disqualify your students, your children as students if we think it violates something that we don’t like or is inconsistent with the mission of the school,” Reichel said.

Included in their email to the Jackson family, Principal Sparks said she understands the children are not to blame.

However, she added the adult content is in conflict with the policies laid out in the parent-student handbook.

Relationship expert Joey Garcia told FOX40 something like this can be traumatizing to the kids and may have lasting effects on their future.

“The real concern for these boys is the shame that they may feel being teased by classmates, being judged by the church and school community,” Garcia said.

Sacred Heart’s principal declined to speak with FOX40 and said in a statement that she cannot discuss anything with the station.

In addition, the school’s athletic director, Richard Levin, has resigned this week and his children no longer attend the school. He has also refused to speak with FOX40.