SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON) – The state is working on filling necessary hospital supplies in its coronavirus response.

Governor Gavin Newsom says the state is in the market for one billion gloves, hundreds of millions of masks, gowns and shields for the state’s hospital system.

Newsom called on governors across the country to work together on securing supplies.

“Governors, we need to start aligning ourselves on purchasing protocols in a way we can bring down the cost curve, and also address the anxiety about access,” Newsom said.

Newsom said monday six unnamed california companies are working to repurpose their manufacturing companies to make gowns.

He said Elon Musk delivered his promise to provide 1,000 ventilators.

He says they arrived in Los Angeles and are ready to be sent to hospitals.

The governor said the state has distributed 20.7 million N95 masks throughout the system since the coronavirus outbreak began and is hoping to continue to get millions more.

The governor’s update comes as he issues more restrictions on state park parking lots and urges Californians to practice common sense, to ease an expected surge in state hospital systems.

The governor said it could be eight to twelve weeks before the state reassesses its restrictions and resource needs.

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