California launches new website to help parents with child care during pandemic

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — The state of California has launched a new website to help parents, especially those who are essential workers, find safe and licensed child care.

“Child care has been a huge challenge,” Newsom said. “63% of license facilities have been impacted by this crisis. That’s a jaw dropping number.”

Visitors to the site can put in their zip code and find license child care providers in their neighborhood. Those who take a deeper dive can also find contact information, the age range of children accepted, availability and health and safety information.

“I am glad they put it together because a lot of people without this crisis have an issue finding quality care,” Alexis Greig said.

Greig runs Oakland’s Diamond Little People Academy, which provides child care for children ages 18 months to five years. She said in the wake of COVID-19 they are limiting their capacity to just 12 kids, and taking additional steps to keep children and staff safe.

“Having the parents do sign in and out outside, when the children washing their hands when they come in and when they leave and five or six times during the day on their schedule,” Greig said.

This website follows up on action by the governor and the legislature in early April, earmarking $50 million for child care vouchers, prioritizing children at risk and children of essential workers who earn low incomes. 

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