SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KTXL) — Two schools in the Los Rios Community College District say two students — one who attends American River College and one who attends Cosumnes River College — have both, in their role as medical professionals, come into contact with a patient who has since tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

The exposure happened last week, according to an email that was sent to students at both campuses.

The Sacramento County public health department says there does not appear to be a risk of potential exposure to either campus, the letter said.

Both students were told to self-quarantine for two weeks and self-monitor in case they begin to feel symptoms.

At UC Davis, Chancellor Gary May sent a statement Thursday afternoon to say, “out of an abundance of caution, three members of the campus community who had been living in Kearney Hall are currently in isolation.”

The CDC is testing one for coronavirus, May said, and the others are not experiencing symptoms.

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