California congressman’s bill advocates protecting student athletes from concussions

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA) visited the KRON studio Sunday to tell about his efforts to protect student athletes from concussions.

DeSaulnier has introduced the Protecting Student Athletes from Concussions Act (H.R. 2062) to create nationwide standards on concussion safety. As well, the bill would establish tools for student athletes, parents and school faculty to develop procedures on concussion prevention, detection and treatment. If passed into law, the bill would require all schools that receive federal aid to develop a concussion management plan to ensure that students are informed about concussions and given the support they need to recover.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), the Assistant Democratic Leader in the United States Senate, has introduced similar legislation in the United States Senate.

“Young athletes’ brains are still developing, which makes them more susceptible to injury and puts them at greater risk of sports-related concussions than college or professional athletes,” said DeSaulnier a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. DeSaulnier reported concussion rates among high school athletes have doubled between 2005 and 2012. “This bill seeks to curb this trend by educating students, parents and school personnel about how to recognize and respond to these injuries,” said DeSaulnier.

Sustaining an injury to the head, said Durbin, “used to be called ‘getting your bell rung’ but we now know that a concussion is something that should never be taken lightly.”

Research has shown the serious long-term health risks associated with concussions in youth sports, said Durbin. “I am glad to see that members in the House and Senate agree that more must be done to protect students from the dangers of these types of injuries.”

The Protecting Student Athletes from Concussions Act is supported by the National Football League (NFL), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National PTA, American Physical Therapy Association, American Academy of Neurology, Children’s National Health System, National Athletic Trainers’ Association, the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA), USA Cheer, National Council of Youth Sports (NCYS), School Superintendents Association, and the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), according to DeSaulnier.

“The National Football League is pleased to support the ‘Protecting Student Athletes from Concussion Act,’ offered the NFL. “The legislation and other youth sports safety measures help to raise awareness and protect youth athletes from the risks of preventable brain injuries.”

“There are so many benefits to sports participation, but it is essential that youth and their families are knowledgeable about ways to stay safe on sports fields,” said Otha Thornton, president of National PTA. “It is a top priority of National PTA to ensure youth have the opportunity to experience the benefits and joys of sports participation, while staying safe and healthy. The association applauds Representative DeSaulnier for introducing the Protecting Student Athletes from Concussions Act of 2015 and for his commitment to educating and training students, families and school personnel on the prevention and treatment of concussions.”

An estimated 140,000 students playing high school sports suffer concussions every year, though many go unreported, according to the National Federation of State High School Associations.

In order to address this problem, the bill establishes a “when in doubt, sit it out” policy that requires students suspected of sustaining a concussion to suspend participation in athletic events for the remainder of the day, be evaluated by a health care professional, and have the parents notified, according to DeSaulnier. Specifically, it provides students recovering from concussions the support they need as they return to school-based athletic and academic activities, he said.

The bill also directs states to develop concussion safety guidelines for public school districts. These guidelines include posting educational information on school grounds and school websites about concussion symptoms, risks and recommended responses for student athletes, parents, coaches and school officials in order to raise awareness of the danger of concussions among student athletes.