The New Haven Unified School District and union negotiators have been going back and forth all year and more intensely the past three weeks trying to agree on new teacher contracts.

A tentative agreement was reached on Friday which would give teachers 3-percent raise, retroactive to January 1, 2019.

In addition, they would also get a 2.5-percent bonus for the 2018-2019 school year, then on July 1, teachers will get a 1-percent pay hike with a contingency of 1-percent more on the salary schedule based upon the passage of school funding legislation.

If teachers approve the proposal, they could return to their classrooms as early as Monday.

The school board also has to approve the deal.

This is the first strike in the New Haven Unified School District history.

According to the teachers’ association, 94-percent of the school district’s teachers have been striking — That’s 585 teachers.

The strike has been going on for 14 days — The New Haven Teachers Association put out a public notice saying the strike hasn’t ended, it’s just been suspended until both sides vote to approve the agreement.

The vote is set for 12:30 p.m. on Sunday.

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