A Spare the Air smog alert has been issued for Sunday across the Bay Area, according to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. 

This is the first alert issued in 2019 due to a mix of hot temperatures, winds, and car exhaust.

Officials advise residents to avoid driving on Sunday, if possible. There is also a no wood burning ban in place. 

“Air pollution from the millions of vehicles on Bay Area roadways, in combination with hot temperatures, is expected to create unhealthy air quality in our region,” said Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the Air District. “Leaving our cars at home and walking, biking or taking transit, instead of driving alone, will help reduce unhealthy air pollution, so we can all breathe easier.”

According to the district, when an alert is issued it is because the ozone pollution reaches unhealthy levels which could cause throat irritation, congestion, chest pain, trigger asthma, inflame the lining of the lungs and worsen bronchitis and emphysema. 

It is advised that outdoor activities should only be done early in the morning. 

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