Solano County to move back to most restrictive COVID tier

SOLANO COUNTY (BCN) — A Solano County supervisor said on social media Sunday that she was told the county will revert to the most restrictive “purple tier” in the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy plan, meaning further restrictions on businesses and social activities.

Erin Hannigan, whose supervisorial District 1 covers much of Vallejo, said on Facebook Sunday that California Health Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly that told her that “Solano County will move BACK to the Purple tier MONDAY. A much more restrictive tier for most businesses.”

State health officials typically update their data and tier assignments every Tuesday.

It would be the latest Bay Area response to increasing COVID-19 infection rates and hospitalizations. Within the past week, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and Marin counties all announced that they would shut down higher-risk indoor activities like indoor dining to help fend off moves to more restrictive tier classifications.

Hannigan said private parties and events where masks are not worn and social distancing is not practiced are the primary sources of the increase in COVID-19 cases throughout our state, and that religious gatherings are also a significant source of infections.

“I know you are tired of staying home, we all are,” Hannigan said in her post. “This virus is serious, it makes people really sick and in some instances they never fully recover, or they die. All the people needing treatment for COVID is straining our hospitals and health care professionals.

“We can stop the virus if we stay home and if we have to go out, wear a mask and social distance,” Hannigan said.

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