San Jose mayor proposes vaccine mandate to attend events in city venues

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) — A few concerts are scheduled at SAP Center this fall and the San Jose Sharks return for their season in two months.

These events bring in thousands of people, and after over a year of the pandemic, fans are ready to return to stadiums.

But the pandemic isn’t over, and officials across the Bay Area are trying to get back to enjoying events while keeping COVID-19 cases down. Here’s one way to do that:

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo is proposing a rule that says attendees need a COVID-19 vaccine to be able to attend those events.

If approved by the city council, his ordinance would require people show proof of vaccination before entering an event with 50 or more people.

This rule would be apply to all events in city-owned facilities.

On the list is the convention center, San Jose’s historic theaters, the center of performing arts, and SAP Center.

Liccardo says the proposal comes after seeing a rise in infection rates.

He says the most effective way to return to pre-pandemic ways is for the entire community to get vaccinated.

According to Santa Clara County’s health department — more than 1.3 million people in the county are fully vaccinated.

Statewide, venues in California must require either a proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within a certain time frame for indoor events with 1,000 or more attendees. San Jose’s proposal would not give the option of a negative test.

Liccardo also wants city employees to consider a similar vaccine mandate as San Francisco – where people must show proof vaccination before going inside a restaurant, gyms and other indoor venues.

But that’s for another council meeting.

The mayor’s proposal on the vaccine requirement for city facilities will be heard at next Tuesday’s council meeting.

He needs two-thirds of a vote to get it to pass.