San Francisco’s Lombard Street becoming a hot spot for car break-ins, neighbors say

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Car break-ins are plaguing the city of San Francisco.

The police department recently put out crime statistics for the first 11 months of 2019.

According to the data, thefts from vehicles totaled 23,309 in 2019 through the end of November.

That’s three percent less than the 23,921 thefts in 2018 over the same time period.

While the police departments’ data shows a slight decline in thefts, many people in the city aren’t convinced, saying more needs to be done to prevent this rampant crime.

One of the largest hit areas is Lombard Street. 

The area gets hit typically three times a week.

While the numbers are down a bit, it’s also important to remember that some people have stopped reporting the break ins because they happen so frequently and often times they dont get their things back.

Many say more needs to be done to fight this issue.

Lombard Street,  known for its crazy crooked road and constant shuffle of tourists, is also growing a reputation for car break-ins.​

Most recently, neighbors say thieves in a red SUV broke into cars on Hyde Street on Saturday.​

“Back to back. The first one was a tourist from China. I got the chance to speak to them,” said neighbor Dennis Saenz. “They say their belongings were taken, the backpack along with iPad and other electronics. [They] say $2,000 worth of cash were taken, all of the money for the trip as well.”

Saenz sees it all the time.

KRON4 talked to him in October when he shared surveillance video from a nearby building, which shows thieves smashing the back window of a car, grabbing several suitcases and luggage from the trunk and then taking off.​

Saenz says he’s collected dozens of photos like these over the past three months.​

Visitor Penny Rix says she hears about it often too.

“Fishermans Wharf. I think down by Macy’s, the glitzy shopping area. North Beach,” Rix said. 

She always warns her family before going into the city.​

“Don’t take anything. You’re gonna lose it. Somebody’s gonna steal it. Your windows are gonna be broken, if you have a rental car its ugly,” she said.​

Saenz says criminals normally hit the Lombard Street area between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. when tourists are out and about. 

He says car rentals are large targets too.​

“Most of the time they are driving. They’re driving a car with a stolen license plate,” he said. “Usually two or three of them. So one person in the back is the person who gets out and sees something like a backpack or something they’re interested. They quickly smash the window. We’re talking about seconds.”

Neighbors and visitors say the city needs to do more.​

The neighborhood scheduled a meeting with their board supervisor next Wednesday to discuss the street crime on the 2200 block of Hyde Street, right next to Lombard Street.