San Francisco residents come together to deliver groceries to the elderly amid crisis

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — “Any way we can help is really important even if it is a delivery, a phone call or finding organizations where we can donate.”

Neighbors in San Francisco’s Nob Hill neighborhood are giving back to their community.

So far a group of 100 volunteers organized to pick up and deliver groceries to their elderly neighbors — and they’re doing it all for free.

She said it all started as a post on social media, on the Next Door app.

Word quickly spread and she was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming responses.

Now dozens of people are helping out right here in the neighborhood.

“In my opinion we’re not doctors, we don’t have a cure. We don’t have the vaccine, but we can at least help deliver groceries,” Kathleen So said. “We can still help give our neighbors the resources they needed.”

So lives in San Francisco’s Nob Hill neighborhood.

As more news came out about the coronavirus, she says she immediately thought about her older neighbors. She posted in the “Next Door” app asking if anyone else had elderly neighbors nearby who needed help.

Now, nearly two weeks later, she found more than 100 other volunteers.

“The response the next day after was overwhelming,” she said. “We have like 300 responses on it now and then we created an email thread of like 100 plus volunteers in the area who are just willing to help.”

The volunteers are delivering food, groceries and toiletries to elderly neighbors in need in Nob Hill.

Word of their efforts quickly spread on social media, and already, they’ve made more than a handful of deliveries.

“So we’ve kind of formed this great organic partnership with the markets and we’re so happy they’re giving out our information for assistance. So we’ve made probably about a handful of deliveries so far and its just been wonderful,” she said. “They’ve been very grateful for it. We’re definitely taking all the necessary precautions even though we’re young and healthy. We’re still wearing gloves and masks and lolling the bags just making sure its a safe process for everyone.”

In this difficult time, So says it’s great to see neighbors helping neighbors.

“It reaffirmed why I love San Francisco so much,” she said. “The people here are really good and they really look out for each other.”

Nob Hill isn’t the only neighborhood doing this. This is happening across other neighborhoods in the city.

It’s an important reminder that we’re all in this together.

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